
thank you, everyone. compassion is short these days.


hoy ...

The surgery was a success; my mother's recovering in the CICU. Her anesthesiologist mentioned a minor heart-attack she suffered, according to her EKG a bit ago, and that was a slight concern. Her surgeon, post-surgery, explained she'll be in the hospital for a while.

As I've previously mentioned, the recovery process will be slow and intricate, but recovery is the most important part about all of this. Thank you for the vibes, wishes, notes, e-mails, phone calls, concern, prayers, everything. As I mentioned in an e-mail to a group of cronies, it's been one hell of a fucking tidal wave.


My life outside of this is still as intricate as it was before, but since I am in control of it, it will be simplified and contemporaneously turned into something wonderful.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire