
the plumber


wake up, dead man

The plumber currently in my backyard resembles my ex, the clumsy manner in which he moves, his hair, his belly. I am fighting urges to heat pins and shove them into his eye-sockets just to hear the eye-balls explode.

Last weekend was beautiful; there was lurid beer in the back of my throat but it was drying itself on my tongue. Pool hall, laughter, gatherings, etc.

Saturday, utopia was reached, if just for a moment.

Sunday, I was in an amazingly awful mood. Body aches. Headaches. Felt like the flu but in a purely menstral fashion.

Monday, spent time with Giz and Michael playing pool, and then Jay-talked late into the early morning.

Wednesday, he came over; fixing computer problems, discussing my doctor's appointment.

Yesterday was Valentine's Day, but I don't recall a time celebrating it seriously.

Today. Uncertainty for the evening. I hear we're gathering at the pool hall.

I'll probably be on the run from the cops considering I just blinded the plumber, anyway.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire