
the truth behind the lines


the only thing separating you from me is twelve feet and some silly human insecurities

Jersey, who's after my heart, sent me the official Bjork / Enjoy Cock tee-shirt through the mail yesterday, and I'm wearing it as I update this entry.


Today was viciously normal, much to my chagrin. I continually seek magic.


So, he's lonely. I told him I wished to rectify that for him, seeing as how I'm constantly lonely and it merely makes sense we rectify this together. He's gorgeous. You'll have to believe me.


There were no stereotypically melodramatic discoveries about today, save the fact one of my favorite actresses, Monica Belluci, shall play the very-coveted Mary Magdalene in The Passion of the Christ.

Everything beyond this was perpetual jokes about whores, ex-girlfriends, ex-boyfriends, and the daily things of which we partake to further destroy ourselves. And, if there is anything I know intimately, it's how to destroy yourself.

Absolutely disgustingly normal.

There is a hurricane coming soon, I assure you.

Because my roommate-slash-brother and I will be going halvsies on a bottle of absinthe this month (sent directly to our place), and if that doesn't produce a tidal wave of emotions and literary endeavors, I don't even know what will.

God, I fear for all of you who deign to peruse this e-nook when your teensy belletristic matron ingests absinthe.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire