


transcripts like movie stills

So process this.

The absinthe order has been placed. Awaiting confirmation e-mail amongst the deluge of Viagra Bestiality Bukkake spams. To reiterate, it just seems appropriate Oklahoma City's prose inamorata imbibes absinthe. I keep the sugarcubes to my left, sweet and sultry pink-lipsticked Bjork notwithstanding, and the ice water to my right.


I'm giving myself five minutes for this diary entry. At the end of five minutes, I will cease typing and update as is.


So mayhap it's a wayward inspiration from you, my lover-cum-acquaintance. I'm delving into a nonsequitur realm, detached from how beautiful things could have been if we hadn't have been such inexperienced scaremongerers, before the scenes began to melt and you carried my silver lip-smears all over your bright orange sleeves. We were the flamboyance of a decade worn away on the edges of cynical romance.

And thus it dissolves, and we backspace over our puerile endeavors.


Unrest. Memory. I'm not nineteen, anymore, but they are. It's increasingly difficult to convey emotion to arrogant face-splitters. Thus I release, and this ginger lull of my reclusive mannerism warms me beyond the bri


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire