
someone to miss and dream about.


"you'll need someone to keep you warm."

Easy morning on zero sleep and loving the sun like a feline. Took a lunch with M. that resulted in much consumption of vegetable lo mein @ Hunan China House Palace Jade Dragon's Garden Central Fantastical Greatness and Such, but locating chopsticks was operose.

Inner semantics and gorgeous German music. So infatuated that I'm drawing currents to pull The Precious to me tangibly and back into the, "Isn't this just delicious music? Here, skin." realm. My grand intentions shouldn't be denied.


"J" is my favorite letter. I type this with an amused expression. I procured a black wrist-band with the letter "J" on it to celebrate mistakes and gains. Mostly mistakes. Meretricious gains.


No one else is keen on the idea of me chopping off my reddish-something hair and making it anim�-battle-robot wonderful. We're nose-diving into heat-waves and people expect me to keep the Crystal Gayle running strongly.

I'm in the mood for a radical change.

Well, another one or ... six.

Enough loquacious bilge. How are my textual babies?


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire