
but i have a crush on the sunrise.


it's simply uncontrollable.

Ruminating until unilateral insanity washes from my esophagus. Two mile jog for vanilla cappuccino before interviews at dawn. Grimace-grins and strangers, but it was all so deliciously mind-sweeping.

Dissatisfaction with physical realm sustained. I have a mission, several hormones, and no recreational cash.


And so I always knew, though mayhap I didn't know of the consequence. I still knew it would happen. Here, now, in this situation, with all the glimmering parallels, I'm afraid to say I know, and it's not at the expense of all of my fantasies, believe me.


Futurity: Beheld from the arms of svelte blonde things, constantly ruminating, ruminating, and ruminating. The downslope of genuinely wanting all of it to feel right. Waiting to the chagrin of the present and rubbing bare feet subsequent to removing walking-away shoes.

Pure and utter unadulterated stubborn loyalty.


The dissonance between my head and my heart.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire