
the blush upon the snow


i know the milky-way

This will be a very pure entry.


I'm in a brilliant mood.

Soon, all engines shall be fueled for much-needed excursions to the Eastern United States. I'll more than likely post a positively ecstatic update to Diaryland when tickets for the smaller and larger cities are secured, and, I'm waiting anxiously.

I want this profoundly, with as much fury and as much force as I know I deserve this. This trip isn't so much about meeting others as it is about opening myself to another imagination-stirring realm and untwisting my artistic cells.


I've been re-working one of my pieces so that it will segue effortlessly into my favorite sonata. It was a passionate discovery. It's been a while since my face has literally flushed and I've withheld breath during a session with my Wurlitzer. This process stretches itself to metaphysical heights that I'm unable to capture appropriately in words.

I've been twirling through the sun-streams on my wooden floors because of it, and, I'm in wonderful need of engaging colloquy with those scintillating creatures I've stubbornly wrestled into my universe.


I've been productive and energetic as of late, inquisitive and cerebral, flustered with vocal reverence, and perspiring with muscle-carving solicitude. My dreams have been telling, though they twist eccentrically. My particles warm on the recollection alone.

I don't feel alone.


So far, it's truly been my year, perhaps a premature evaluation flung whimsically toward a karmic direction, but I care not. I cleave to my fatalism and my present, heightened elation. I simper perpetually, all Christina Ricci dimples intact.


In the midst of writing this entry, my doorbell rang. Two friends I hadn't seen in a year whisked me away to Guthrie, OK, where I met up with someone I hadn't seen in longer. What ensued was a night of nicotine bliss, musical orgasm, and the exuberant re-acquainting with past cronies.

I love it when these sporadic kidnappings transpire.

Goodnight, dears.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire