
this is the natural order of things



For some reason unbeknownst to my vacillating logic, I subjected myself to a slew of diaries whose apparent intent was to truculently slaughter my remaining brain cells. This cranial suicide transpired directly following my decision to view The Ring solitarily at three-thirty in the morning.

This weekend, I have plans to venture out into the Paseo Arts District in Oklahoma City in the hopes I can immerse myself in creativity and draw forth inspiration.

Actually, my essential goal is to consume copious amounts of alcohol to the point I forget my name. It is my fervent hope you lot will participate. I have plenty of floor-space for your delicate, inebriated bodies.


It is decided I am no longer the Queen of the Creeps, but rather, more specifically, the Queen of the Alpha Males.

Come to me, my arrogant savages. You require back-rubs.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire