
remember one word



It's a beautiful day, and I can't move.


With my Barnes & Noble gift-card, an early birthday present from my extremely poetic cousin, I purchased e.e. cummings poetry, Alas, Babylon by Pat Frank, otherwise known as Harry Hart, Tesla: Man Out of Time, and The Fuck Up (Look at this title, my literary vixens, and on top of this, it's somewhat psychosexual.[!]) by Arthur Nersesian.


I would sell my right ovary for The Heathers Soundtrack.


I had something else to say about my thought-process during multiple orgasms, and the world turned into a gargantuan tuning fork, and my courtyard becoming positively lurid with pigeons, and how I love the idea of Tesla coalesced with romance, and the subtle process of being spoon-fed monosyllabic affections.


Remind me to drink until the simple process of name-remembering becomes operose. It will have to be sometime after midnight. You've been warned.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire