
you put your hands into your hair


the sequence ends and begins

I am officially intoxicated.

Remind me to tell you lot the story of the neighbors across the street who decided my brother's girlfriend and I were likely candidates to spend the night with, and how I regaled the older of the two, at least in his mid-40s, with Super String Theory tales, and how we debated the philosophy of all science as marred simply by human perception, and how he completely disregarded the idea of humans extracting themselves from mere, human bias to the spiritual realm, and how I declined him on his offer to keep me "company", and the Root Beer Schnapps I drank, much to my stomach's chagrin.


In a mere 12 days from now, I will celebrate my birth while jeopardizing my existence by not only consuming large(r) quantities of alcohol, but by also making a complete fool of myself in public.

You're invited.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire