
words fail me


divided we fall

I haven't been updating for a reason. I don't feel like using clich� words like "tragedy" or "misery" or "inconceivable despair". I have been teaching myself how to move on, but we all know nothing is going to be the same. I felt that there was nothing I could say. Words failed me. What can I say? I'd feel like an asshole coming back to Diaryland with another abstract piece-of-shit "it's raining and I want him to touch me" entry.

Instead, I urge you guys to get involved. Donate blood, money, (not blood-money, mind you), clothes, socks, work-boots, etc. It won't bring anybody back, but it will make a difference.

Never have I ever wanted to give Bush a hug like I do right now.

So, get involved.

Red Cross.

I missed you lot.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire