


pattern behind the numbers

Tonight, Giz and I went to see Signs, and I still don't know how I feel about it. There were moments of horrid, Hollywood corniness but also moments which made me question if not shift my paradigm. It made me question the outside forces, working with Fate, the cosmic tide and its change, not necessarily about aliens and invasions. I like how that wasn't the main basis of the film. The film made one stop and think, but on the samehand there were goofy effects. I had wished they had prolonged the viewer's imaginatory skills rather than eventually showing us what the actors were seeing.

The human imagination can be scarier.

Having another milk-fueled moment coming down from mind-altering substances of the calm kind. I feel inspired and intrigued, weighing coincidences over omens, over Fate.

Who all believes in Fate, anyway? Was it meant to happen, or was it just luck? And what was it?


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire