
well, more "know" than "plan"


sail to the moon

I have a strange feeling Thom Yorke would love me.


Last night/this morning, directly following a beautiful evening, ended with a bottle of Bailey's, a vocal chat with Jason and Christopher, inebriated voice-mails from the painfully effervescent Donna, and five minutes on the phone with Andy Summers.

Should you ever run across him utilizing the phrase "cannibalistic paradigm", please note that came directly from me.


I really think I should take off to New York. As soon as the familial-medical whirlwind reaches a stationary level of dispersion, that's where I plan on going.


I ran across an old website of mine I used to keep on Geocities. I haven't updated or even thought about it since December of 2000 or so; as such, colliding with it this morning shocked and disgusted me. It was really not a positive example of anything for which I currently stand, ergo, the damn literary abortion was valiantly deleted.


Oh, yes. Perusing Hellani's photo gallery, mixed with my propensity toward decent-cum-intellectual fetish balls, veritably locks my decision.

I'm going to New York.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire