
American Beauty


i. love. american. beauty.

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I have been listening to the theme from American Beauty frantically lately, and I have no idea why. I find myself rushing toward serenity in Thomas Newman form.

Weekend was big. Too many things to list. Read poem, met Matt, who was exactly as I pictured him, and later discovered Matt knows two people I knew at one point in my life. It scares me. I used my first name for the first time at an artistic gathering, and it somehow felt liberating.

The rest of the events are blurry. Pool hall, people, noise, fights, protection, arguments, drinking, affection, primal urges, sexual tension, biting, wrestling, and this was between everyone - everyone - not just two individuals.

There is so much sexual tension in the air. I see it with a lot of people, bursts of creativity, strange alignments, strange brews, tension tension tension.

If there is no release, the world will explode, and quickly.

I love American Beauty.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire