
i want a change



Took this random 'which drug are you' quiz and came out as Ecstacy, which, I don't necessarily agree with.

But hey, I make coke jealous.

Was thinking about a new diaryland design or at least a new color scheme, but it's fine the way it is. This color scheme is perfect for its color scheminess, but not necessarily perfect for me.

Michael Jackson's prosthetic vulva is on his hand, Ben. Hence the glove. Fuck the ten points and the "Humpback Whale Enthusiast" magazine subscription, I want my backrub. We will discuss the "by proxy" thing later.

I need a new color scheme. Maybe something electric. Like black with electric purples. Or maybe not. Not at all.

This just doesn't feel like me.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire