
I am alone and it RULES



I did nothing this weekend.

It. Was. Fucking. Great.

No listening to the drama of others, no hearing about who fucked whom, no arguments, no having to deal with Jay's face, no having to deal with people's Maudlin fits while drinking, no drug-eviscerated senses, no group activities that always involve somebody punching somebody else, no long walks in the cold, no randomly shooting pool, no shit-talking, no being subjected to the worst music on the face of the planet, no assholes taking dominance over all things electronic, no fucks in mesh shirts selling pills to make a living, no bitching about what food in the fridge belongs to whom, no fighting over the bathroom, nothing.

My God I've needed nothing for a long, long time.

The musical side of me bubbles to the forefront again, my fingers itch over ivory keys, there are songs and melodies breaking themselves off in my cerebrum, leaking to the very tips of my nails, waiting.

And it's fucking great.

I am so happy to be alone, you all have no idea.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire