



My mother has been in and out of the ICU at Mercy hospital for the past two days. It seems like a combination of ailments, including a schizophrenia attack, pneumonia in her left lung, the onset of dementia, and pancreatitis . It started when her muscles began to give out on her a week ago or so.

When I last saw her, she couldn't remember my name.

She was doing relatively well yesterday morning, until she began having difficulty breathing and her body temperature rose to 104. She was put back in the Intensive Care Unit. She made progress. They moved her back to her room. She then regressed again.

She's back in the ICU.

I'm staying here for the time being instead of at the apartment. I'm watching the sun come up while simultaneously blasting Sigur Ros from the surround sound in the living room.

I think she'll be ok in the long run. I want her to be ok in the long run. I wish she could stop fluctuating.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire