
This is Where She Went


shake 'em on down

You might notice something different.

I celebrate my 500th entry today with a change of scenery. I also cannot believe this diary has lived for five hundred entries.

The CSS here doesn't belong to me; exhausted with tossing code together in NotePad, I decided to tweak a code by another. You're also going to have to still need IE 5.5+ on 1024 x 768, as this looks atrocious in Netscape-oriented browsers.

There is more coming soon. If you feel you have to tell me you love/hate/cherish/desire/take for granted this template, sign the dark ego book to your right.

I don't really want anymore stark backgrounds in my templates, as I've had late-night headaches. Apologies if white text on black background immediately launches you into an epileptic spasm. Apologies that I'm not going to do anything to change it.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire