this was the past

it can always be deleted


whoring date - my.wish.list.
Thanksgiving - and are you grateful
21.Nov.2004 - really.
16.Nov.2004 - things change.
2004-11-13 - we are paid by those who learn by our mistakes.
12.Oct.2004 - the biogenetic law of my simple exhaustion
12.Sep.2004 - moved
07.Sep.2004 - a sucker's dream.
22.Aug.2004 - and that's your useless update.
17.Aug.2004 - being single
09.Aug.2004 - but it's kind of tempting, really.
30.Jul.2004 - growing up.
27.Jul.2004 - tipping my hat to ellis
24.Jul.2004 - the ones and zeros of which i'm comprised.


and replaced with something better

2001: I was never proud of all of this blatantly misguided past

2002: I fell in love with all of you despite distance

2003: when inebriated heart-ache crashes into surrealism and maternal tragedy

2004: I drank too much

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire