this was the past

it can always be deleted


30.Mar.2003 - you put your hands into your hair
29.Mar.2003 - remember one word
27.Mar.2003 - i'll break your silence on my way into you
22.Mar.2003 - bring it, bitch
19.Mar.2003 - i am in love
17.Mar.2003 - i.before.e.
11.Mar.2003 - we're gonna change
10.Mar.2003 - in which ravieslave pens this entry
08.Mar.2003 - this is the natural order of things
07.Mar.2003 - sugar and spice?
05.Mar.2003 - part of the cure
01.Mar.2003 - she made a survey!


and replaced with something better

2001: I was never proud of all of this blatantly misguided past

2002: I fell in love with all of you despite distance

2003: when inebriated heart-ache crashes into surrealism and maternal tragedy

2004: I drank too much

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire