this was the past

it can always be deleted


31.July.2001 - VICTORY
30.July.2001 - the perfect boy for Raven
30.July.2001 - enough with the ben
29.July.2001 - the one about Ben
27.July.2001 - random obsession
26.July.2001 - irrevocable
24.July.2001 - anti-social sexuality
23.July.2001 - it's fine
23.July.2001 - Boy Hate Angst
20.July.2001 - hormones a-ragin
16.July.2001 - vicarious
14.July.2001 - the boy
11.July.2001 - I am simple
09.July.2001 - summertime
02.July.2001 - I am going insane
02.July.2001 - michael hutchence lyrics haunt me
01.July.2001 - July


and replaced with something better

2001: I was never proud of all of this blatantly misguided past

2002: I fell in love with all of you despite distance

2003: when inebriated heart-ache crashes into surrealism and maternal tragedy

2004: I drank too much

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire